Mal's Shorties Limited offer
You have read the PDF and got a good idea about "Mal's Shorites" and how they could continue to perform.
If you are convinced then I have a special offer for you.
I am always very upfront about horse racing selections and that there are no guarantees as to their performance.
All I can do is present the information and selections for you to decide if you feel they will continue to work.
Because of that, I don't sell on results.
If I did I would be making big claims about the past profit and all the money you could make from using the selections.
Like: "if you placed £10 per point on every selection you could now be £5610 better off."
But...I prefer to base the cost on getting the selections to you daily.
I normally tend to charge around £67 for 3 months of selections...
...Let's face it if your serious 3 months is normally your trial period.
But I always add an "earlier adopter" offer for the first 10 2 people that sign up.
So what do you get…
1. Full results sheet including special staking and recovery plans and the different price points to test against.
2. Every day (7 days a week) you will receive an email (between 11.15am and 11.30am) with today's selections (if there are any).
3. A member’s page which will include the daily selections and a “bot” link that you can use with GHBot, Ghblite or PR Ratings URL bot.
The cost...
For the first 10 2:
Just £67 £47
(3 months selections).
Monthly System
Just £67.00 £47 when you purchase today (3 months selections).
PayPal we don't actively support PayPal but if you wish to use this method then log in to your PayPal account and then select send money. Send it to and add the message "Payment for Mals Shorties".
After the first 10 are sold the next 10 subscribers will pay £57 and the last 15 (35 max subscribers) will pay £67
So even if you feel this is a punt you may want to get in early.
But remember it is only open to 35 27 people it is shut when we reach that figure.
You can check back at any time to see the results.
Questions you may have.
Q. What time are the selections normally available?
A. The email is set to go out at around 11.15 am each day. (Could be a little late depends on our feeds).
Q. Will I automatically get charged after 90 days?
A. No this is a "one-off" payment today with no automated re-bill. But we will let you know close to when we re-open if you want the first choice to join again.
If you decide to come back you will pay the same price you do when you join (another reason to get in early)
Q. Can I trust automation?
A. Our systems are automated in a number of ways that we have tested and refined over the last 6 years.
Our horse racing feed comes in from a proper source. We don't scrape sites we pay for all our data daily.
Q. What does "The past doesn't equal the future" mean?
A. These systems have shown a profit for months...but that is the past. No one can say for sure what will happen tomorrow. The statistics point towards it being a stable system but again that is based on past results.
All the statistics point towards the selections being consistent...
...But "The past doesn't necessarily equal the future"
Q. Why can't I have these tips on a trial?
A. We have already done open trials on these tips. This is for people who like what they see and want to continue to get the selections. We are just charging for selecting them and getting them to you.
Until Next Time.
P.S. Remeber there are only 35 27 spaces and the price goes up from £47 to £67. Join now before it's too late.